
  • First look of the Pedersoli 1854 Lorenz Type II rifle

    The Pedersoli rifle musket line is just going to get another family member. The well know Austrian Lorenz rifle was used in the most devastating conflicts of the 19th century and it marks the end of the age of muzzle loaders. Please check our showcase:  

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  • Watch Hickok45 firing our 20ga percussion Howdah pistol

    Hickok45 well known YouTube hero just posted a new video about shooting the Pedersoli 20ga percussion Howdah pistol. Why don't you follow him on this adventure?

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  • Range test video: an original P56 Enfield in action

    Check Capandball's video about shooting an original P56 Enfield rilfe. We are so proud to replicate these beauties in every detail. Shooting condition original ML military rifles and rifle muskets are hard to find so we strongly believe that we, manufacturers have a duty in keeping our heritages alive. Check out our repros here!

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  • Presenting the Pedersoli Volunteer rifle

    On the 16th of November 1859 the British “National Rifle Association” was founded, aimed at the promotion of target shooting in British territories, intended to heavily support the Volunteer Rifle Corps. The British N.R.A., for the first time, organized a national event held at Wimbledon in 1860. Taking inspiration from this historical sporting event we are glad to introduce to you the “Volunteer Rifle” featuring a .451 caliber barrel, broach rifled with an optimal twist for target shooting...

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  • Shooting the Pedersoli Mortimer flintlock Shotgun

    Dear All, Here is another interesting article from the well known outdoor writer Toby Bridges. Please follow the link to read about the magic of patterning a muzzle loading shotgun for clay target shooting or hunting. First Shots With The Pedersoli Mortimer Flintlock 12-Gauge Shotgun The Pedersoli Team

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  • A Study Of Muzzleloading KE by Toby Bridges

    Another excellent hunting related article posted by Toby Bridges on "The limited range of traditionally styled reproduction muzzle-loaded rifles of the 1960's and 1970's can be attributed to the old-style projectiles of the period.  When it comes to retaining game-taking energy at any real distance, the patched soft lead round ball is the least effective hunting projectile.  Now, this isn't meant to rekindle arguments with die-hard patched round ball's...

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  • Buck and ball vs Minié ball vs single ball cartridges of the American Civil War

    Another interesting experiment from the Capandball guys. This time they compare the accuracy of the single ball and buck and ball cartridges fired from a smooth bore musket versus the accuracy of the Springfield rifle musket loaded with a Minié ball cartridge. Just fun to watch! Capandball is replacing an original Harper's Ferry musket with a Pedersoli 1798 Austrian, so we also have our share from the show. :)

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  • The story of the Whitworth rifle

    It is without question that the most feared rifle of the American Civil War was the British- made Whitworth rifle imported by the Confederacy and delivered by fearless blockade runners thru the blockade of the U.S. Navy. But what made this rifle so special? Why was it necessary sometimes to deploy entire artillery batteries to silence one single Whitworth sharpshooter? The history of this beautiful rifle began in 1854 when Lord Harding, Commander in Chief of the British Army asked Sir Joseph...

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  • Pedersoli Charles Moore: Gold medal at the MLAIC Pacific Zone Championships

    Dear All, Here is a short report form an excellent shooter from Argentina: Mr. Andres Gelfo. Andres score a beautiful 98 in Kuchenreuter pistol event with one our Charles Moore percussion pistols. Here is his report wit many useful info: Well done Andres! Congratulations for the excellent results! "For the last years I have been a shooter of standard , sport pistol and centre fire pistol. In each of these disciplines I have been national champion in my country Argentina. I also been...

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  • 46 medals won with Pedersoli guns at the European Championships

    A week has passed since the muzzle loading guns went silent in Barcelos, Portugal closing the MLAIC European Championships of this year. 230 shooters gathered from all around Europe to celebrate historical shooting. We were there also of course, and it was so good to see all the enthusiasm the black powder shooters share. Muzzle loading is our language of communication and we are all happy and lucky we can speak it. The exceptional performance of the shooters amazes us each time we see them...

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  • The new Pedersoli Whitworth rifle

    Some good news to post: we have just started the production of the iconic long range military target rifle of the mid 19th century. Sir Joseph Whitworth, an excellent engineer experimented with various rifling methods to extend the range of the muzzle loading rifle muskets. In the 1850s he designed a small calibre fast twist hexagonal bore rifle, that started the age of long range sport shooting as well. This rifle proved extremely effective in the hands of the Confederate sharpshooters...

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  • The most accurate way of measuring your powder charges

    How to measure blackpowder accurately? That’s an interesting question for all of us blackpowder shooters I think. And the answer is sometimes controversial. Some say measuring by weight is the only accurate way, and measuring only by volume is the evidence of a careless shooter. I believe that the truth is somewhere in the middle. [caption id="attachment_350" align="alignnone" width="474"] Adjustable measure: quick and handy way of measuring the powder charges. A fine range companion, but...

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Showing 1 to 12 of 33 (3 Pages)

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