Tag: "Shooting"

  • Shooting the Pedersoli Sharps Benchrest 22LR to 100 m

    Here is another video review from one of our rifles. This film was filmed by the Capandball guys while they visited our factory in May this year. Our heavy barrel small calibre 1874 Sharps performed well also at 100 m. [gallery link="file" ids="244,245,246,247,248,249"]

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  • The 10 most important safety rules of blackpowder shooting

    Never shoot anything else from your gun than factory made blackpowder. Never load your blackpowder gun directly from your flask. Never drink alcohol or take drugs before, during shooting. And this applies for drugs after shooting as well. Know your target. Know what's behind your target before pulling the trigger. If you have a misfire, wait 30 seconds and start to remove the ball after this time passed. The proper way of removing a dead charge: put the hammer in half...

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  • 100 with a Pedersoli Mortimer Target .54 rifle

    Here is pic we received from Hungary, From Balazs Nemeth. He shot this excellent group with his Pedersoli Mortimer rifle at a 50 m offhand (MLAIC Pennsylvania)  practice session practicing for the World Championships. His load was 49 grains of Swiss No. 3 + 18 grains corn meal + .535 roundball with 0.38 spit patch.  Don't know if it is 100 or 99, but it's an excellent group for sure.

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  • Bullet casting in easy steps

    Safety The melting point of lead is very low. It melts at 327,5 Celsius, and starts to evaporate strongly at 500 Celsius. The gases create lead-oxids with the air.  Lead can enter your body if you inhale the gases or the dust of the lead oxids or through the digestive system. Small amount can also enter your body through your skin, but this is only an evanescent quanitity. So I strongly recommend you to keep these simple rules: Always wear eye protection, a shirt with long sleeves, and...

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  • 17 simple rules of percussion revolver accuracy

    Always do everything the same way. While developing your load change only one element one time. Limit your load to the lightest possible still giving a tight group. Use corn meal filler to lift the ball to the level of the mouth of the chamber. Use the same volume of corn meal in all the chambers. Slug your bore and use a ball matching the groove to groove diameter of your bore. Slug your chambers: it should size the ball close to your groove to groove diameter. Slug...

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  • Shooting the Pedersoli High Wall rifle

    John Moses Browning's first rifle patent. One of the strongest and most reliable single shot designs of all times. 100 m tests. It's been 4 years now that the High Wall rifles, originally designed by John Moses Browning in 1878-79 and produced by Winchester from 1885 to 1920 became a member of the Pedersoli family. We offer these rifles in two varations and two calibers: Sporting and Classic vesrions in 38-55 and 45/70 calibers. Here is the 100 m test of the 45/70 version. [gallery...

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