Muzzle loaders endangered by the EU (press release by FACE)


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  • Keith
    By: Keith On 13/08/2016

    So stupid. These flintlock pistols are already banned in NSW Australia unless you have a "D" class licence & club membership. So far, antiques are okay, but we are not allowed to "use" them! This is bullshit in regards to combating crime & terrorism, this is all about government control & disarming the populace.

  • Icorps1970
    By: Icorps1970 On 21/06/2016

    This is what happens when you get to far into the "New World Order". EU is a precursor to the World Federation/totalitarian/collectivism that has been in planning for a 100 years or more. They will import terrorists to create problems and then use the problems to further oppress and enslave all the citizens in order to "protect" them.

  • Icorps1970
    By: Icorps1970 On 21/06/2016

    Won't work. They are so deep into implementing totalitarianism that it will not be stopped. England is asking people to turn in pointed knives. Whats next? Sharpened sticks? Europe is lost and does not even realize it yet.

  • Namasu604
    By: Namasu604 On 10/06/2016

    They should just ban terrorism. Or even better, ban people from doing banned things.

  • Jeremiah Bullfrog
    By: Jeremiah Bullfrog On 10/06/2016

    So how does this keep AKs out ot the hands of terrorists?

    p.s. EU bureaucrats ARE NOT ELECTED.... Europeans need to take their countries back.

  • Michele Lupo
    By: Michele Lupo On 10/06/2016

    In Pedersoli country .i.e. Italy real antique firearms are subject to licensing! Replicas can be purchased without a permit while real antiques do require one.This absurdity shows what lobbying can achieve! The EU just wants to remove the "special status" of replicas, period. Pedersoli and Co. should stop whining about the possible loss of this "special privilege" granted only to their products. Support from Pedersoli and the italian manufacturers association ANPAM was non existent when the italian government practically banned all firearms "resembling" fully automatic weapons in 2015. The same group lobbies hard to keep pistols chambered in the most popular caliber in the world, 9x19 (9MM Luger) banned in order to sell them at different prices in 9x21 caliber!

  • Ed Gruberman
    By: Ed Gruberman On 09/06/2016

    Funny, when I see the terrorist attack, they seem to have automatic weapons. Haven't seen any flintlocks used lately. Way to go EU, get your priorities straight.

  • Paolo
    By: Paolo On 08/06/2016

    So, now you wake up maybe? Never a comment when you thought they were attacking only B7? One after the other they will caught everyone if the first fall. Wake up! It's time you and many other manufacturers "politically correct" do it! And if B7 fall first, you will follow them, before or later! Wake up!

  • Pimousse27
    By: Pimousse27 On 08/06/2016

    Thank you for joining our fight. It must be heard at all levels, both with our respective national governments, and with our elected representatives and permanent in Brussels.

    Yours friend.
    Hope to hear from you, to see you, hear you, and especially to be with you not to feel isolated in this mission!

  • Vieux Machin
    By: Vieux Machin On 08/06/2016

    In order to fight EU ban guns law .. we must send mail to all our representats, (ive done tthis French PResident,Prime minister etc and all European representants..
    They carcely answer our mail .. but we must know we are .. ready to fight

  • Keith
    By: Keith On 13/08/2016

    So stupid. These flintlock pistols are already banned in NSW Australia unless you have a "D" class licence & club membership. So far, antiques are okay, but we are not allowed to "use" them! This is bullshit in regards to combating crime & terrorism, this is all about government control & disarming the populace.

  • Icorps1970
    By: Icorps1970 On 21/06/2016

    This is what happens when you get to far into the "New World Order". EU is a precursor to the World Federation/totalitarian/collectivism that has been in planning for a 100 years or more. They will import terrorists to create problems and then use the problems to further oppress and enslave all the citizens in order to "protect" them.

  • Icorps1970
    By: Icorps1970 On 21/06/2016

    Won't work. They are so deep into implementing totalitarianism that it will not be stopped. England is asking people to turn in pointed knives. Whats next? Sharpened sticks? Europe is lost and does not even realize it yet.

  • Namasu604
    By: Namasu604 On 10/06/2016

    They should just ban terrorism. Or even better, ban people from doing banned things.

  • Jeremiah Bullfrog
    By: Jeremiah Bullfrog On 10/06/2016

    So how does this keep AKs out ot the hands of terrorists?

    p.s. EU bureaucrats ARE NOT ELECTED.... Europeans need to take their countries back.

  • Michele Lupo
    By: Michele Lupo On 10/06/2016

    In Pedersoli country .i.e. Italy real antique firearms are subject to licensing! Replicas can be purchased without a permit while real antiques do require one.This absurdity shows what lobbying can achieve! The EU just wants to remove the "special status" of replicas, period. Pedersoli and Co. should stop whining about the possible loss of this "special privilege" granted only to their products. Support from Pedersoli and the italian manufacturers association ANPAM was non existent when the italian government practically banned all firearms "resembling" fully automatic weapons in 2015. The same group lobbies hard to keep pistols chambered in the most popular caliber in the world, 9x19 (9MM Luger) banned in order to sell them at different prices in 9x21 caliber!

  • Ed Gruberman
    By: Ed Gruberman On 09/06/2016

    Funny, when I see the terrorist attack, they seem to have automatic weapons. Haven't seen any flintlocks used lately. Way to go EU, get your priorities straight.

  • Paolo
    By: Paolo On 08/06/2016

    So, now you wake up maybe? Never a comment when you thought they were attacking only B7? One after the other they will caught everyone if the first fall. Wake up! It's time you and many other manufacturers "politically correct" do it! And if B7 fall first, you will follow them, before or later! Wake up!

  • Pimousse27
    By: Pimousse27 On 08/06/2016

    Thank you for joining our fight. It must be heard at all levels, both with our respective national governments, and with our elected representatives and permanent in Brussels.

    Yours friend.
    Hope to hear from you, to see you, hear you, and especially to be with you not to feel isolated in this mission!

  • Vieux Machin
    By: Vieux Machin On 08/06/2016

    In order to fight EU ban guns law .. we must send mail to all our representats, (ive done tthis French PResident,Prime minister etc and all European representants..
    They carcely answer our mail .. but we must know we are .. ready to fight

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