Product reviews

  • Updates on the low recoil 45/70 short range load

    On Saturday I took the low recoil offhand shooting cartridges to the range for some testing. Shot the rifle from a sandbag, and it proved quite accurate at 50 m, with managable recoil. At 100 it was poor against my long range cartridges, but at 50 m the bullets hit the same hole. On Sunday we had a 50 m offhand BPCR match that I shot with these BPCR cartridges (34 gr 3Fg Swiss, corn meal filler, cardboard wad, .458" 405 Grain Lyman bullet, soft Minié lube, no crimp). The first 5 shots went...

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  • Program about Pedersoli at American Outdoor TV

    We are very proud we could welcome the team of Amercan Outdoors in our factory. Thank you very much for this excellent program about our vision of making guns.

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  • Shooting the Pedersoli High Wall rifle

    John Moses Browning's first rifle patent. One of the strongest and most reliable single shot designs of all times. 100 m tests. It's been 4 years now that the High Wall rifles, originally designed by John Moses Browning in 1878-79 and produced by Winchester from 1885 to 1920 became a member of the Pedersoli family. We offer these rifles in two varations and two calibers: Sporting and Classic vesrions in 38-55 and 45/70 calibers. Here is the 100 m test of the 45/70 version. [gallery...

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  • Reloading the 45/70 for Pedersoli Rolling Block rifle

    We just received some excellent info  from our friend in France, Johannes Couturier. He is shooting one of our 45/70 Rolling Block rifles with excellent results at 100 meters. He is reloading his own cartridges, here is his recipi. "Rectified Remington cartridge cases, fireformed, partially sized and cleaned inside and out after each shot. The primers are CCI BR2 “bench rest”. Bullets made with a custom Steve Brooks mould producing a 500 grains bullet. Alloy 95% lead, 5% tin, chosen by weight...

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  • Shooting the Traditional Hawken rifle

    These rifles are available in .50 and .54 calibers both in flintlock and percussion. We started manufacturing an economy line of traditional Hawken rifles for hunters, fun shooters and newcomers in the blackpowder World. Here is on of the first reviews. This one is done by the Capandball guys.   [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,32,31,29"]

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  • Shooting the Kodiak Express double rifle

    Our Kodiak Express rifle is an effective hunting arm, and it is unique on the market. Here is the range report on the latest model.     [gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="10,11,12,13,14,15,16"]

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Showing 37 to 42 of 42 (4 Pages)

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